Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Layering 2 Images

Firstly, I chose the 2 photo's I wanted to use, from my folder, and had them as 2 seperate tabs.

I made sure Auto-Select and Show Transform Controls were ticked so this means I could rezise the photo I'm using to layer with the other photo.  

I then dragged the photo over the other photo, so it was covering it completely, and then I resized the top layer so that it was the same size as the bottom layer.

This is how it looked when I resized the top layer.

Afterwards, I clicked on the arrow next to Normal, and changed it to Multiply. 

Then I changed the opacity to 50% so that you could see both photos together in one.

This is the final photo after layering both images together.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Libby jumping

Putting photo's onto one page

Firstly, I created a new page, by clicking new..
Then I changed the preset page to International paper, and the size should be A4.

Next, I clicked open, to open the photo I needed to put onto the page.

I chose the file I wanted to open, and clicked open, and it then opened in a new tab.

I then dragged the photo which I had opened onto the new page.

I made sure Auto-Select and Show Transform Controls were ticked, so then I could resize the photo.

Then I clicked view, show grid, so that I could see accurately how big the photo will be when I resize it.

Afterwards, I clicked Edit, Stroke.. which is to get a border for the photo.

Lastly, I chose the colour I wanted the border to be, and the thickness of it and pressed okay.
This is the final result, after I did the same to the other three photographs and put them all onto the same page, and I made the border the same on every picture, the red of the border matches the colour of the clothing in the picture.